An analysis of a recent column in which Bishop Edward Rice requests an end to the practice of ad orientem worship in the Diocese of Springfield - Cape Girardeau.
It is well past time for major changes to the leadership of the church. Rice is among the Bishops that doubled down on felt banners, Dan Schutte, and communion for all. The pews and seminaries are empty because of the destruction of authentic Catholic culture. When will we as the faithful stop just accepting this nonsense?
It would be beneficial to all if The Rubric could contact Bishop Rice and do an interview. I would like to see a more thorough discussion and explanation availed his Eminence to support his decision. It would be educational for all. The article in The Mirror needed to go into more depth and The Rubric can provide that venue.
I'm profoundly disappointed by the direction of the diocese in recent years. In fact, I was still catching my breath from the mind-blowing column and podcast on the death penalty when this unfortunate piece was published. As a husband and father just trying to get my family to heaven it feels like being waterboarded but without the break.
The full evidence that "ad orientem" is not only envisioned in and allowed by, but even presupposed by, the Novus Ordo is contained in my article here, which is one of the most popular ever published at NLM, and likely a cause of more than one priest turning around to face the Lord:
Hi Peter, I'm a big fan of your work - you were excellent in Mas of The Ages. Thanks for sharing your article with us. If you're ever in southern Missouri please let me know!
Breaks my heart our Bishop would say something like this. We all need to be praying for him, all clergy, religious and laity. Our priests really need our prayers, as they are the ones we know and love, and that feed us…..
Thank you for writing this article. The Bishop needs to know how much this is hurting his priests and his flock. That article in The Mirror is actually causing division whereas ad orientem worship is bringing unity. Unity between the priests and their flocks. Unity in the way we worship our Lord. Unity of heart and mind.
Author, your last sentence brings me hope for the future as so many (both old and young) have turned away from our Catholic faith and beautiful traditions making our churches feel lifeless and empty - a true reflection of a culture separated from God. Therefore, you correctly ask, “Will we support our younger priests in their attempts to renew the church in holiness by turning TOWARDS the Lord?” I hope we will… and it’s unfortunate to label such hope as a form of veiled dissent. My words are simply those of an ordinary Catholic who can handle (and is often starved for) something more than watered down sermons and bland music - both of which may fill the time but do little to stir the soul. On behalf of the average Catholic - we can handle more! And at this point… what more do we have to lose?
This is sad and disappointing. Modernism is hurting our reverence to God. Man should be adapting to God. Not the other way around. I am so glad I left Novus Ordo for TLM full time.
I do understand the Bishops intent for unity, and absolutely support him in that endeavor. Like he said in his letter, it is not out of matter of personal preference, but out of a desire for unity and clarity that he is making this declaration.
I think that this decision is only "political" in so far as it pertains directly to matters of Church politics, the intention I assume (in good faith) to be nothing other than pastoral.
That being said I also absolutely understand the pain that this decision is making on the people of God in this diocese. The TLM and Ad Orientem in the Novus Ordo, are beautiful, and a desire to celebrate the Mass in those ways is certainly a valid expression of the Catholic faith. The pain and confusion that people feel is valid and needs be fully acknowledged.
I do not personally see the benefit in seeking unity through uniformity instead of diversity. I wish that all people within the bounds of liceity could be allowed to celebrate in peace. That being said, it is also not my decision to make, and I thank God for that burden belonging to another. It is absolutely within the Bishops perview to make this decision. I do also believe that arguments for unity through uniformity are also intelligible and valid interpretations of the liturgy. It is precisely this uniformity that is at the center of the promulgation of the Roman Missal, in all its forms, to begin with.
I do not know if the Bishop's decision will bear out the goal of unity he hopes it will, though I most certainly pray that it does. I am grateful that there is even such a devotion to the liturgy in the diocese that people feel the need to have this dialogue. I ask, however, that we all give each other the benefit of assuming good and holy intentions. I assume the best of Bishop Rice's decision, and pray for the success of unity regardless of how any of this plays out. We should all pray for unity in this time.
The real question that should be asked of the editor is where did you procure the email list that was used to subscribe people unknowingly? An honest, public explanation would be very enlightening to many who receive this but don't remember signing up...
Please address the rumor that donor lists from one or more organizations were 'appropriated' and used to build your "subscriber" list.
No emails were "appropriated". We share our content with people we think might be interested. They are free to unsubscribe as are you.
While on the topic of division, you'll notice Alex put his name on his opinion. We think these discussions should be open and honest. Is John Cassian your real name?
The dissent being shown (though veiled) to the Bishop is the exact reason he needs to keep discipline in the Diocese. In his letter, it is pointed out that no request was made to face Ad Orientem. This publication is sowing dissent by a rogue operative and the faithful should focus on OUR Priests and OUR Diocese, not some fringe opinion that will lead you astray. You fail to point out that the Novus Ordo (current post Vatican II Mass) would be more familiar to the original Church for the first several generations before the Mass was re-organized in Rome into Latin. While I thoroughly enjoy the reverence shown and the history surrounding the TLM (and believe that making it a separate Rite may be warranted), nevertheless, it is not mainstream and will not be. Go to YOUR local Catholic Church, God is waiting for you there in the Tabernacle just as he has always been. Shake off your personal grudges and axes to grind.
Thanks for the comment, John. We appreciate your viewpoint.
We like to think we are focusing on OUR priests and OUR Diocese, and just because an opinion is "fringe" doesn't detract from it's value. In this article, we link to very informative article on ad orientem ( I think you'll find we absolutely address that versus populum was common in the early Church.
We have no axe to grind. Just want to provide our perspective and opinion, faithful to the teachings of the Church. If you'd like to contribute your own opinion article, feel free to email us at God bless!
We all have a duty to live up to our name- Catholic (universal)- we have to unite in this broken world and can't sow division. We have to be models to undying devotion to Christ's Vicar on Earth. Our Sacraments call us to do so. The world pulls us away from that, Satan loves division because the separated sheep are easy to pick off. Pray strong and pray for a healing in our hearts, our Diocese, our Church, and (ultimately) our world.
catholic -universal- contains the full harmony of tradition. Sowing division is strong-arming everybody to submit to one particular expression. Let's be comfortable with legitimate diversity
Priests also don't request the use of certain eucharistic prayers, vestment colors when there are choices, white or red wine, etc. Ad orientem is a current and licit option like the other things mentioned and does not require a request.
If the result of a valid practice is divisive (because we are a broken people), then it must be corrected or limited to heal the division or clarify the practice. The Bishop's stance is firstly, completely within his role in this Diocese, and secondly because we all know that the practice is being used 'to be different' (for good or bad). While it is allowed, that doesn't make it the best thing to do. The practice while being done is done so out of reverence, this, unfortunately, is a result of us laity's poor catechesis for the last 50 years. The people on this forum have a good level of catechesis- but the person in the pew next to you may not (statistically, most of the people around you also don't believe in the true presence...). So, keep that in mind.
2. It's not being done to be different, it's being done because it's beautiful.
3. Those who are celebrating ad orientem are doing an excellent job catechizing the people about the practice and ad orientem is catechizing them about the meaning of the mass.
4. The people who do not have a good level of catechesis are reached primarily through practices like ad orientem that are more tangible and real than words in a book. I think you should keep that in mind.
Practices which are invalid (and there are plenty in this diocese) should be corrected before correcting practices which are valid, no matter how divisive (which I don't agree 'ad orientem' is).
Hi John, thanks for reading and posting a thoughtful response. I'm not trying to sow dissent and I'm not a "rogue operative". I'm just a faithful Catholic who is concerned about the direction of this diocese. I see you're also in southeast Missouri. I'd love to meet up and get a beer sometime to discuss. I don't think I can privately message you on here so feel free to email me anytime I look forward to meeting you!
Thanks for the offer and the friendly reach out. I am going to pass for now and am going to step away from the Rubric. Like St. Peter said, "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath". I am sure we will cross paths in Church some time and I will introduce myself. Best of luck, but keep things positive and encouraging to our Priest and Bishop Rice. As you know, they are working hard for our Faith and deserve our respect and help. I would encourage you to try and interview him. Also, I would encourage you (and everyone) to fully read the Vatican II documents and see how much more there is in them (available on USCCB website). Deux Vult.
fully agree to read Vatican 2. the full active participation of all the faithful is the aim to be considered before all else! sacrosanctam concilium. it is our right and dignity
That fact that Novus Ordo would be more familiar to the 'early' Church (we are still the "original Church") is not a good argument. As the early Church grew, her understanding of the Mass and the Sacraments also grew and developed. The parts of the Mass that were developed were done so with the aim of drawing the priests and faithful to a deeper and richer understanding of the worship which they were engaging in. The growth of the Mass allowed for a greater active participation by which it was recognized that uniting oneself to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to the priest in heart and mind were of most importance.
Also, Jewish custom would show us that all those at the last supper would have been facing the same direction because people did not face each other when they ate, so neither would they have at the Mass, which is, in part, a heavenly banquet.
Changes in the Mass, is the number one reason so many have left the church. Every exCatholic in Cape that I’ve met, says this, and there are far too many! People are starving for holiness, and direction from their priests. Let’s get back to letting our priest say the Mass that is most pleasing to God , let them preach the Faith from the pulpit as they see fit. Our young priests are on fire, let the Holy Spirit guide them…..may they save many souls for , Christ.
It is well past time for major changes to the leadership of the church. Rice is among the Bishops that doubled down on felt banners, Dan Schutte, and communion for all. The pews and seminaries are empty because of the destruction of authentic Catholic culture. When will we as the faithful stop just accepting this nonsense?
It would be beneficial to all if The Rubric could contact Bishop Rice and do an interview. I would like to see a more thorough discussion and explanation availed his Eminence to support his decision. It would be educational for all. The article in The Mirror needed to go into more depth and The Rubric can provide that venue.
Awesome idea!
I'm profoundly disappointed by the direction of the diocese in recent years. In fact, I was still catching my breath from the mind-blowing column and podcast on the death penalty when this unfortunate piece was published. As a husband and father just trying to get my family to heaven it feels like being waterboarded but without the break.
The full evidence that "ad orientem" is not only envisioned in and allowed by, but even presupposed by, the Novus Ordo is contained in my article here, which is one of the most popular ever published at NLM, and likely a cause of more than one priest turning around to face the Lord:
Hi Peter, I'm a big fan of your work - you were excellent in Mas of The Ages. Thanks for sharing your article with us. If you're ever in southern Missouri please let me know!
Thanks, Alex, for the kind words. To God be the glory!
Breaks my heart our Bishop would say something like this. We all need to be praying for him, all clergy, religious and laity. Our priests really need our prayers, as they are the ones we know and love, and that feed us…..
Don't assume all baby boomers are supporters of ad populum (let alone all the so-called "reforms" of V2).
This baby boomer, at least, supports not only ad orientem, but the full TLM.
I am also a "boomer" who loves the TLM and to whom ad orientem seems normal.
Thank you for writing this article. The Bishop needs to know how much this is hurting his priests and his flock. That article in The Mirror is actually causing division whereas ad orientem worship is bringing unity. Unity between the priests and their flocks. Unity in the way we worship our Lord. Unity of heart and mind.
Author, your last sentence brings me hope for the future as so many (both old and young) have turned away from our Catholic faith and beautiful traditions making our churches feel lifeless and empty - a true reflection of a culture separated from God. Therefore, you correctly ask, “Will we support our younger priests in their attempts to renew the church in holiness by turning TOWARDS the Lord?” I hope we will… and it’s unfortunate to label such hope as a form of veiled dissent. My words are simply those of an ordinary Catholic who can handle (and is often starved for) something more than watered down sermons and bland music - both of which may fill the time but do little to stir the soul. On behalf of the average Catholic - we can handle more! And at this point… what more do we have to lose?
This is sad and disappointing. Modernism is hurting our reverence to God. Man should be adapting to God. Not the other way around. I am so glad I left Novus Ordo for TLM full time.
Jacob Mezzacapa
I do understand the Bishops intent for unity, and absolutely support him in that endeavor. Like he said in his letter, it is not out of matter of personal preference, but out of a desire for unity and clarity that he is making this declaration.
I think that this decision is only "political" in so far as it pertains directly to matters of Church politics, the intention I assume (in good faith) to be nothing other than pastoral.
That being said I also absolutely understand the pain that this decision is making on the people of God in this diocese. The TLM and Ad Orientem in the Novus Ordo, are beautiful, and a desire to celebrate the Mass in those ways is certainly a valid expression of the Catholic faith. The pain and confusion that people feel is valid and needs be fully acknowledged.
I do not personally see the benefit in seeking unity through uniformity instead of diversity. I wish that all people within the bounds of liceity could be allowed to celebrate in peace. That being said, it is also not my decision to make, and I thank God for that burden belonging to another. It is absolutely within the Bishops perview to make this decision. I do also believe that arguments for unity through uniformity are also intelligible and valid interpretations of the liturgy. It is precisely this uniformity that is at the center of the promulgation of the Roman Missal, in all its forms, to begin with.
I do not know if the Bishop's decision will bear out the goal of unity he hopes it will, though I most certainly pray that it does. I am grateful that there is even such a devotion to the liturgy in the diocese that people feel the need to have this dialogue. I ask, however, that we all give each other the benefit of assuming good and holy intentions. I assume the best of Bishop Rice's decision, and pray for the success of unity regardless of how any of this plays out. We should all pray for unity in this time.
The real question that should be asked of the editor is where did you procure the email list that was used to subscribe people unknowingly? An honest, public explanation would be very enlightening to many who receive this but don't remember signing up...
Please address the rumor that donor lists from one or more organizations were 'appropriated' and used to build your "subscriber" list.
No emails were "appropriated". We share our content with people we think might be interested. They are free to unsubscribe as are you.
While on the topic of division, you'll notice Alex put his name on his opinion. We think these discussions should be open and honest. Is John Cassian your real name?
Red herring, indicating you have no real argument.
The dissent being shown (though veiled) to the Bishop is the exact reason he needs to keep discipline in the Diocese. In his letter, it is pointed out that no request was made to face Ad Orientem. This publication is sowing dissent by a rogue operative and the faithful should focus on OUR Priests and OUR Diocese, not some fringe opinion that will lead you astray. You fail to point out that the Novus Ordo (current post Vatican II Mass) would be more familiar to the original Church for the first several generations before the Mass was re-organized in Rome into Latin. While I thoroughly enjoy the reverence shown and the history surrounding the TLM (and believe that making it a separate Rite may be warranted), nevertheless, it is not mainstream and will not be. Go to YOUR local Catholic Church, God is waiting for you there in the Tabernacle just as he has always been. Shake off your personal grudges and axes to grind.
Thanks for the comment, John. We appreciate your viewpoint.
We like to think we are focusing on OUR priests and OUR Diocese, and just because an opinion is "fringe" doesn't detract from it's value. In this article, we link to very informative article on ad orientem ( I think you'll find we absolutely address that versus populum was common in the early Church.
We have no axe to grind. Just want to provide our perspective and opinion, faithful to the teachings of the Church. If you'd like to contribute your own opinion article, feel free to email us at God bless!
We all have a duty to live up to our name- Catholic (universal)- we have to unite in this broken world and can't sow division. We have to be models to undying devotion to Christ's Vicar on Earth. Our Sacraments call us to do so. The world pulls us away from that, Satan loves division because the separated sheep are easy to pick off. Pray strong and pray for a healing in our hearts, our Diocese, our Church, and (ultimately) our world.
catholic -universal- contains the full harmony of tradition. Sowing division is strong-arming everybody to submit to one particular expression. Let's be comfortable with legitimate diversity
Priests also don't request the use of certain eucharistic prayers, vestment colors when there are choices, white or red wine, etc. Ad orientem is a current and licit option like the other things mentioned and does not require a request.
An excellent point. Why demand priests to request permission to do something that the Church continues to uphold as a valid practice?
If the result of a valid practice is divisive (because we are a broken people), then it must be corrected or limited to heal the division or clarify the practice. The Bishop's stance is firstly, completely within his role in this Diocese, and secondly because we all know that the practice is being used 'to be different' (for good or bad). While it is allowed, that doesn't make it the best thing to do. The practice while being done is done so out of reverence, this, unfortunately, is a result of us laity's poor catechesis for the last 50 years. The people on this forum have a good level of catechesis- but the person in the pew next to you may not (statistically, most of the people around you also don't believe in the true presence...). So, keep that in mind.
1. I disagree that ad orientem is divisive.
2. It's not being done to be different, it's being done because it's beautiful.
3. Those who are celebrating ad orientem are doing an excellent job catechizing the people about the practice and ad orientem is catechizing them about the meaning of the mass.
4. The people who do not have a good level of catechesis are reached primarily through practices like ad orientem that are more tangible and real than words in a book. I think you should keep that in mind.
Practices which are invalid (and there are plenty in this diocese) should be corrected before correcting practices which are valid, no matter how divisive (which I don't agree 'ad orientem' is).
Hi John, thanks for reading and posting a thoughtful response. I'm not trying to sow dissent and I'm not a "rogue operative". I'm just a faithful Catholic who is concerned about the direction of this diocese. I see you're also in southeast Missouri. I'd love to meet up and get a beer sometime to discuss. I don't think I can privately message you on here so feel free to email me anytime I look forward to meeting you!
Thanks for the offer and the friendly reach out. I am going to pass for now and am going to step away from the Rubric. Like St. Peter said, "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath". I am sure we will cross paths in Church some time and I will introduce myself. Best of luck, but keep things positive and encouraging to our Priest and Bishop Rice. As you know, they are working hard for our Faith and deserve our respect and help. I would encourage you to try and interview him. Also, I would encourage you (and everyone) to fully read the Vatican II documents and see how much more there is in them (available on USCCB website). Deux Vult.
fully agree to read Vatican 2. the full active participation of all the faithful is the aim to be considered before all else! sacrosanctam concilium. it is our right and dignity
That fact that Novus Ordo would be more familiar to the 'early' Church (we are still the "original Church") is not a good argument. As the early Church grew, her understanding of the Mass and the Sacraments also grew and developed. The parts of the Mass that were developed were done so with the aim of drawing the priests and faithful to a deeper and richer understanding of the worship which they were engaging in. The growth of the Mass allowed for a greater active participation by which it was recognized that uniting oneself to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to the priest in heart and mind were of most importance.
Also, Jewish custom would show us that all those at the last supper would have been facing the same direction because people did not face each other when they ate, so neither would they have at the Mass, which is, in part, a heavenly banquet.
Changes in the Mass, is the number one reason so many have left the church. Every exCatholic in Cape that I’ve met, says this, and there are far too many! People are starving for holiness, and direction from their priests. Let’s get back to letting our priest say the Mass that is most pleasing to God , let them preach the Faith from the pulpit as they see fit. Our young priests are on fire, let the Holy Spirit guide them…..may they save many souls for , Christ.